FW22 in detail

Designed to entice reaction. New and familiar shapes are puffed up, moulded, draped and embellished with outsized breastplates, balloons and trompe l'oeil detail.

Bags and accessories

The Flamenco, the Goya and the Puzzle Hobo are inflated to new puffed up proportions.

Bags and accessories

The Flamenco, the Goya and the Puzzle Hobo are inflated to new puffed up proportions.

Touch is stimulated: leather, felt, latex, knit, silk and resin

Stripped bare to a rudimentary level. Touch is stimulated. Thrilling textures of leather, felt, latex, tweed, knit, 3D printed fibre, silk and resin abound.

Chaos rebuilt through items that are not defeatist

Trompe l’oeil footwear continues the inflatable theme. Denim boots hint at subversion. Seatbelt ribbon sandals introduce chaotic volume in stark silver.

Jewellery by Genta Ishizuka

Tactile, sculptural FW22 jewellery designed by Craft Prize winner Genta Ishizuka.